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CC Weekly, Week50, Year without the summer?

帖子发表于 : 2014-08-14 21:50
this unusual cool summer so far had driven R22 freon price down to dirt cheap..

图片 <-- 5 jars of R22 = $800, unreal!!!

图片 <-- $300 used Pepsi machine..lol

Re: CC Weekly, Week50, Year without the summer?

帖子发表于 : 2014-08-14 22:27
time to stack up.

Re: CC Weekly, Week50, Year without the summer?

帖子发表于 : 2014-08-16 18:27
stacking up pepsi and Dews and try to put the coke machine out of business.... @onion8@ @onion8@ @onion8@ @onion17@ @onion17@ @onion17@

we have a leased coke machine on phase 2 of CountryClub, coke cola send us a check every 3 month, like $50bucks...lol

哈哈哈,那個Pepsi machine笑死額也,無處不在的賺錢腦子啊

帖子发表于 : 2014-08-17 11:45
No wonder you said you could smell the money everywhere.PFPF @onion25@ @onion25@

可以把瓶裝水放進去嗎?就普通的不要coke or Pepsi company's.

帖子发表于 : 2014-08-17 11:54
Just other brand can be bought at any supermarket(water from coke or Pepsi costs lots more)

We buy poland water from market 24 bottles for $3 or 4 bucks. Can be sold at 1 buck per bottle.lol

Don't make much on coke products now.