接下来要不要做mode test 或打开墙看看?

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版主: 小心翼翼的小地主, jy101, 瞎问瞎说

接下来要不要做mode test 或打开墙看看?

帖子mom2016:) » 2015-02-05 11:24

This letter is in regards to the shower leak that you recently brought to our attention.

The plumber fixed the leak and didn't see any mold growth. Without having an air sample test, no determination can be made as to the presence of mold growth.

Based on the observation of the plumber, there is no reason to believe that the indoor air quality has been affected.

All our appointments for this week are on hold as of right now, until this all gets sorted out. The house is still livable even though there are still a few remaining things that need to be taken care of.

If there is anything that needs our immediate attention, please let us know and we will do what can to help out. Also, if you would like us to come out and check to see if the drywall is wet, we can do so. This is separate from the previous claims and before we left everything was completely dry.

This is an isolated occurrence, this has nothing to do with the other 2 claims, making this a third and separate incident. if you have any questions or need anything further, please feel free to let us know.
帖子: 18
注册: 2014-06-14 20:38

Re: 接下来要不要做mode test 或打开墙看看?

帖子jy101 » 2015-02-06 13:40

if the leak was detected right away and not much damage was done, no need to test it.

but if it had been leaking over extensive period of time, you may want to open the wall the check out.
帖子: 640
注册: 2014-04-16 21:57

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